Chocolate Rose Bouquet

Questions and Answers
Q: Is the bouquet presented in a specific arrangement or design?
A: Yes, the Chocolate Rose Bouquet is thoughtfully arranged with the red roses and chocolates, wrapped in attractive red paper packaging, and adorned with a red ribbon.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: What is the significance of the red roses in this bouquet?
A: Red roses are a symbol of love, passion, and romance. They convey deep emotions and affectionate feelings, making them a perfect choice for expressing love and admiration to the recipient.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: How many Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates are included in the bouquet?
A: There are 6 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates included, with each chocolate weighing 12.5 grams.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: is this bouquet suitable for birthday?
A: The Chocolate Rose Bouquet is suitable for a wide range of occasions including birthday, anniversary, thank you etc.
Certified Buyer September, 2023