Emotions and love

Questions and Answers
Q: How many roses are there in this bouquet?
A: 10 red roses present in this bouquet.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: How can I buy a bouquet of 10 red roses with seasonal filler?
A: Yes, You can buy a bouquet of 10 red roses with seasonal filler from OyeGifts.com.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: What is the typical delivery time for a bouquet of roses?
A: The delivery time for a bouquet of roses can vary depending on where you order them from and the delivery options available. Typically, We offer same-day delivery in 2-3 hours, but it's a good idea to check with location and delivery time.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: Can I customize the bouquet of 10 red roses?
A: Yes, you can customize the bouquet as per your requirements. You can send email at support@oyegifts.com.
Certified Buyer September, 2023