Glamorous Red and Pink Roses Bouquet

Questions and Answers
Q: How many roses are included in the bouquet?
A: The number of roses in the glamorous red and pink rose bouquet is 12.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: What do red and pink roses symbolize in this bouquet?
A: Red roses symbolize deep love and passion, while pink roses represent admiration, gratitude, and affection. The combination of red and pink roses in this bouquet conveys a message of love and appreciation.
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: Can I customize the Glamorous Red and Pink Roses Bouquet?
A: Yes, you can customize the glamorous red and pink rose bouquet as per your needs. You need to send an email to
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: Is there an option to add a vase or other gift item with the bouquet?
A: Yes, you can add a vase or other gift item with the bouquet. Or send a email to
Certified Buyer September, 2023
Q: Can I send this bouquet to my girlfriend on her birthday?
A: Yes, you can send this bouquet to your girlfriend on her birthday.
Certified Buyer September, 2023